Tales of the abyss i survived with no major injuries but
Tales of the abyss i survived with no major injuries but

tales of the abyss i survived with no major injuries but

I know some who have fallen into this same abyss and recovered completely from the fall. If she falls until she hits the bottom, she will likely sustain severe injuries.

tales of the abyss i survived with no major injuries but

Or maybe she will pick up the pieces of rope and supplies I’ve nailed to the wall for her and create her own rope or ladder that she can use to climb up. I’ve left a few ropes hanging into the pit that she can grab onto (the seeds planted in her brain), if she so chooses. I live in hope that she will take my hand, or latch onto one of those ropes I left hanging and then, tied to reality, she can carefully climbs up the wall on her own before hitting the bottom. Now I just leave my hand dangling where she can see it, where she can easily grasp it and be pulled to safety, should she want to. Seeing this and trying to learn from my errors, I stopped trying to grab her. I have tried before to grab her and pull her out of the darkness before she fell too far, but she pushed me away, which made her fall a little faster toward the bottom. I am holding out my hand to catch her as she falls past, but she refuses to take it. She is falling in slow-motion, having purposely leapt past me into a gaping hole with no bottom in sight. It’s like I am watching my daughter jumping into the abyss. This is how it feels to watch my child embrace gender ideology:

Tales of the abyss i survived with no major injuries but