Download vscode xdebug docker
Download vscode xdebug docker

download vscode xdebug docker

Install Docker on your machine and add it to the system path. If you are just getting started with Docker development, try the Docker tutorial first to understand key Docker concepts. This page provides an overview of the Docker extension capabilities use the side menu to learn more about topics of interest. The Docker extension makes it easy to build, manage, and deploy containerized applications in Visual Studio Code. Configure IntelliSense for cross-compiling.

download vscode xdebug docker

Otherwise your browser will keep loading and not show anything. Remember, you have to pass the XDEBUG_TRIGGER variable either as an URL parameter or as a cookie parameter to the script you are debuging.

  • Visit a page passing the trigger variable in the URL.
  • Click on the start icon on Visual Studio or select Run > Start Debugging.
  • Our setup is ready! No we have to learn how to start a debugging session. */ add_action ( 'admin_menu', 'add_php_info_page' ) function add_php_info_page ( ) " since that's where our code lives inside our container
  • Connect the current directory with /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-docker-xdebug directory inside the WordPress containerĪlso, notice how I'm instructing Docker to run WordPress in port 3000.
  • Make the /var/www/html directory in the WordPress container persistent.
  • Make the /var/lib/mysql directory in the DB container persistent.
  • Create the user wordpress with password wordpress in the database.
  • Give the DB root user the password root.
  • For information on what the variables for MariaDB and WordPress mean, head over to the respective Dockerhub pages. Most of the magic on the docker-compose.yaml file happens is in the placement of environment variables. Ports : - 3000 : 80 volumes : wp-xdebug-data : wp-xdebug-html : networks : default : name : wp -xdebug -network :/var/www/html/wp -content/plugins/wordpress -docker -xdebug Volumes : - wp -xdebug -html :/var/www/html Volumes : - wp -xdebug -data :/var/lib/mysqlĮnvironment : WORDPRESS_DB_HOST : wp -xdebug -db

    download vscode xdebug docker

    Version : '3' services : db : image : mariadb

    Download vscode xdebug docker